Friday 12 October 2012

Good, Better, Best

Do you remember the skill that took you the most time before you could clearly master it? Do you remember the last time that you had to keep practising until you made it perfect? Think of that Mozart, Beethoven or Bach Piece that you had to go over in preparation for Christmas. Think of your public speaking class and your speeches. Think of the time you devoted to the work, think of the effort you put into it.

When I was in elementary school, we had to put on school uniform and part of that was black-laced shoes and a tie. One thing I kept doing was practising how to tie my shoe laces and how to make a good knot for my tie. This I did with a lot of practice till it become good, I became a pro and would help my friends do it better.

Day-to-day activities are part of a long journey that the human race is in. It is a journey that for a few will culminate with the second coming of Jesus Christ and the realization of salvation and eternal life with the Savior. To many it ends with achievement of worldly goals like fame, money-power, job success and the rest.

However, when you look at your journey in being the best, some main elements comes into play. These are persistence, patience and perseverance. The 3P’s are the vital ingredients we need to keep the fire burning.There are others like faith and looking up to God but this other components enhance and help us realize our faith too.

Persistence is standing firm, continuing with a course despite opposition that may arise. This is simply saying 'A luta Continua' when you hear "Give up!" Patience is waiting without complaining. This is bearing with situations with a lot of humility.Perseverance is simply the offspring of patience and persistence. The other relatives of the 'P' family are:passion, practice, permanent and perfect. Ofcourse when you passionately practise something, it perfectly becomes permanent.

Thomas Edison failed many times when trying to create the light bulb.He tried many experiments with platinum and other metal filaments. However he did not give up. Today many scientists talk of his brilliance in inventions and we enjoy the comfort of electric bulbs.Abraham Lincoln could have simply given up after numerous attempts and failing. Nevertheless he did not do so and he will always be remembered in history for being persistent, never giving up.

Therefore do not give up. Keep working, keep pushing. They say that PUSH is Pray Until Something Happens. I add Pray without ceasing. Then you will be on course to apply the rule of good, better best, do not let it rest till your good is better and your better is best.

Friday 5 October 2012

Bringing God into The Picture

Today we take a small detour and do a reflection. As I was walking in Campus this week, I could feel the breeze penetrate through to my skin. I suddenly saw the light-pole shaking and I could now comprehend how strong the wind was. Just over a month ago, I had experienced part of the summer weather in Minnesota. My body would just get hot and I was afraid that I would one day find myself roasting if I was not careful.

This experience coupled with that of the heavy rains that we seasonally experience in Kenya and those of the hurricanes in America made me reflect on the big picture. While I saw the effects of the strong winds that made me feel cold, there was something missing in the picture. While I saw ‘a’ very hot sun that burnt my body, there was something missing in the picture.

What was missing was the most important thing we should always see in a picture. In any image we should not miss seeing this. In the same way we see a headline on the daily’s front page, we ought to see this. I needed to bring God into the picture. I needed to see Him.

I needed to see that the God who calmed a heavy storm in the sea and said peace be still is stronger than the wind. I needed to see that God is a consuming fire hotter than the sun he created and He therefore demands reverence in His presence. He is still the one that provided a cloud over the Israelites in the wilderness. He is the one that causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

What? How? Is it possible that God can be in every picture? Yes it is possible. We can bring God into any picture and decide where to place Him. We can bring Him into our film of life and decide which role He is going to play. We can bring Him into our team and decide which position He is going to play or what He will do.

Whether you decide to make Him outstanding in the picture, give Him the starring role in your film, let Him seat on the bench or decide He coaches the team; it is all up to you? Your perception of God’s importance to your life will ultimately determine that. I will not stop saying that many people have allowed Jesus into their vehicle of life but are still clinging on to the driver’s seat while the Master takes a back seat.

God fits anywhere we want to put Him in the picture. Remember the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. For the student; Christ is the best teacher. For the sick, he is the greatest Physician that I have heard of; I have never read of people who were healed and they came back claiming not to have been made completely well but I have read of many patients who have died due to wrong diagnosis and prescription.

As you look and admire the many pictures of life today, ask yourself; Have I brought God into the picture?