Wednesday, 24 July 2013

We All have a "ME Story"

“You can make it my son, you are destined for greatness.” Those were the words of my mother, the one person who has had the most impact on my life. From my inception, her dream was to see me advance in the knowledge of music and be able to play the piano. She ensured that a local music teacher would come to our little house every evening and offer the much required lessons. Despite not getting to the highest level of mastering the ‘ivory keys’, I must admit that she instilled a strong music culture in me. More than 20 years later, I can attest to having learnt discipline, determination, passion and generally hard work.

I would describe myself as an ambitious person who is extremely passionate about children’s music. This stems from an early childhood participation in my church’s children’s choir called Proactive Kids Choir. This inspired me to form a group; Praise Kids of Africa, where I train the children and write songs for them. Despite that, I am proud to have grown as a member in my children’s choir where I still serve as a teacher. Noble, is what I would call the passionate work I do, and the challenges I encounter are the pillars of persistence. Getting donors and sponsors to support some of our projects has been a hurdle, but the parents’ motivation and dedication to have their children participate in the programs has been extremely beneficial.

Being brought up in one of the major cities in Africa; Nairobi, has contributed largely to the media I have been exposed to. Being a host to International offices including one of the UN headquarters, Nairobi has been on the upward trajectory in technology advance. I consume a lot of website content and love getting updates through social media like Twitter. Through the internet, I have learned a great wealth of lessons and learned to respect our diversity. However, this exposure has created a divide between me and some of my family members who subscribe to traditional media. We seem to be reading from different scripts.

Even so, the greatest thing I have enjoyed is the knowledge of globalization. To know that we may be separated and many miles away from each other, but we can still connect, share and be one. The internet media has motivated me and I hope it reaches each and every person.