Tuesday, 18 October 2011

You are What you Eat

For so many people, eating is the normal thing that should happen when one is hungry.Very few people consider what they should eat, when and why they should eat.

After a lot of consideration about the human life, I have come to realize that human welfare is much determined by the diet that people take as much as other health practices. It is for this purpose that I thought of the common term in computing ‘GIGO’ Garbage in Garbage out. The principal applies to so many areas of life and looking at it from a nutritional point of view;we are what we eat. Therefore if we are what we eat how much then should we take care of what we eat?

I recently bumped into information that explained how humans were not created to eat flesh and this made me more curious especially with flesh dominating most of our diets. I therefore looked further and discovered that there is more than meets the eye in matters of food and nutrition.

Unfortunately or fortunately a few people have had the privilege to know the healthy way to go but what surprises me is that we are still left in our very poor eating habits. When we know very well the effects of eating meat we still enjoy it since we term it as an African delicacy.

It has come to a time we need to stop wasting time attending health seminars and having health weeks in some of our churches since most of us end up knowing the truth but still live a lie. What is the problem especially with Christians who have got the light and know very well that it was not God’s intention for man to eat meat. In the garden of Eden He gave them a purely vegetarian diet. It is only because of sin and the flood that He permitted the eating of some animals. But with current messages on Health Reform and discoveries, can we not see the benefits of eating right and the demerits of eating poorly.

Let us arise from slumber, awake from thy stupor and eat right to live right.

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